Motor Protein

美 [ˈmoʊtər ˈproʊtiːn]英 [ˈməʊtə(r) ˈprəʊtiːn]
  • 网络马达蛋白;动力蛋白;驱动蛋白;发动机蛋白;机动蛋白
Motor ProteinMotor Protein
  1. The transport of motor protein is studied .


  2. A fundamental nonlinear motion equation about motor protein subject to random force and random potential is derived . The expression of the probability flux of this system was obtained .


  3. Effect of hypothermia on activities of tubule motor protein and constructure protein after cerebral ischemia in gerbils


  4. During hydrolization of ATP , conformational changes occur within the motor protein ( a mechanochemical process ), and mechanical work is done .


  5. OBJECTIVE : To observe the effect of erigeron breviscapus on the activity of Kinesin , a microtubule based motor protein , in hippocampal pyramidal cells during brain IR .


  6. It was shown that the directed motion of motor protein was relevant to the effective potential . The current , the effective potential and the slope of the effective potential of the motor are calculated .


  7. Direct motion of the single motor protein is treated as motion of Brownian particle in the paper . The expansion of sationary probability current is derived for the Brownian particle driven by internal and external noises simultaneously .


  8. BACKGROUND : Brain ischemia-reperfusion ( IR ) injury is closely connected with the activity of Kinesin . Previous research believes that reduced activity of Kinesin , a microtubule based motor protein , is an early mark for nerve cell death induced by brain ischemia .


  9. Effects of functional electrical stimulation on motor function and protein expression of microtube-associated protein 2 in the penumbra field of the rats with acute cerebral infarction
